‘Before the Fall’ is a Summer Thriller

IN A NUTSHELLUnknown - Version 2

  • imagesBefore the Fall by Noah Hawley (Grand Central Publishing, 2016)
  • In 40 words or less: Hawley, an award-winning TV screenwriter, producer and showrunner’s fifth novel  about a small plane crash touches on the risks of privilege, news/entertainment hyperbole, and privacy issues while exploring the lives of the victims and discovering the cause of the crash.
  • Genre: Thriller
  • Locale: Primarily New York/Martha’s Vineyard
  • Time: Contemporary
  • Read this for a fast-paced story and perfect vacation read.

The Batemans seem to have it all, but every family has its problems.  Dad, David, is the key man at a news/entertainment network whose top property is an outrageous loudmouth with a propensity for getting scoops via secret (and illegal) wiretaps. His wife Maggie and two children, Rachel and JJ, spend the summer at their home on Martha’s Vineyard, at the farmer’s market and local cafe, befriending some of the locals. Their daughter’s kidnapping years earlier has top-notch round-the-clock security with the family at all times.

At the summer’s end, they prepare to return to New York on their private jet.  Maggie offers a ride to a couple returning at the same time and to a local artist, hoping to revive his career with a series of new paintings he’s shopping to galleries. As the plane is ready to leave, David learns that the husband is to be indicted for serious financial wrongdoing. The artist barely makes it on the plane as the doors close. And there seems to be something unsettled among the crew. Eighteen minutes after takeoff, the plane crashes in the water.



Scott, the artist, awakens in the water and discovers JJ is still alive. Swimming has been in Scott’s blood for years.  Although rusty, Scott’s obsession with strength through swimming  and Jack LaLanne kicked in to help he and JJ survive an arduous and unlikely swim to shore. Hawley grabs the reader in his description of the swim and positions Scott as JJ’s protector and the flawed but righteous hero of the story.  Of the eleven on board, they are the only two survivors.

Chapter by chapter, Hawley unrolls the backstory of each character, raising and answering questions about whether this was an accident or targeted attack. As the investigation continues, family, the media and Scott all have their interest in JJ, now a very wealthy four-year-old, questioned.  There is ample reason and opportunity to root for the good guys and jeer at the villains, and while there are  suspicions, the specifics of whodunit and why are not revealed until the very end.

There is place on my bookshelf for page-turners. Going in knowing a novel is unlikely to be a book group read gives me the freedom to just escape in the story. Whether he is doing this with his TV shows (Fargo, Bones and more) or his latest novel, Noah Hawley has me hooked.

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IMG_3210Just one view of New England from the passenger seat.  After eight days, 1400 miles, 9 states, visits with friends and family, our summer vacation is over.

Laundry’s done, mail sorted and life is returning to normal.  Mid-August is when I start reaching out to my book groups to start prepping for fall and September promises to be a very busy month.

Before I’m totally back in the swing of things there are reviews to write and some bookish reflections on the people and places we saw along the way.  So hang in there, it’ll be worth the wait!

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Not a lot of staying in this “stay-cation”

DSC_0660There is nothing like out of town visitors, especially those with children, to give you a completely new perspective on your hometown. Last week was jam-packed with favorite haunts and new surprises in the DC area.

It had been way too long since my niece had visited. She and her wonderful husband brought their two boys for their first introduction to the nation’s capital.    As a dutiful great-aunt, I spent lots of time beforehand pouring over maps and articles about the latest and greatest activities for visitors to DC. Fortunately all that prep time was well spent and made the visit a lot smoother and more fun for all. While they did some exploration on their own, I was very happy to be included on most excursions. Continue reading Not a lot of staying in this “stay-cation”

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Visiting America beyond the rest stops

IMG_2976There’s so much to be seen between here and there,wherever there is. Having a more flexible schedule and internet connections EVERYWHERE made our recent road trip possible. Here’s what we found.

First stop – Greensboro, NC.  Independent bookstores are often a reason we choose our stops.  With Scuppernog Books as our destination, we arrived at the historic downtown in time for lunch.  IMG_2977The bookstore is wonderful – not very large but with a strong and diverse collection so there’s something for everyone.  I always keep an eye out for local authors and found a title I had heard about elsewhere.  Experience has shown that booksellers know something about where good local food can be found. We spent the 30 minute wait for a table at Crafted wandering the neighborhood.

BTW, the fish tacos were definitely worth the wait!


On a lighter note, here’s a bit of trivia.  Vicks VapoRub was created by a pharmacist in Greensboro and a historic marker is there to tell the tale.  IMG_2973

So for the history, this downtown strip of Greensboro is full of historic structures, the facades calling back to an earlier era.  Most important is the F.W. Woolworth Building, looking from the outside as it did decades ago.  Unknown-4This five-and-dime is very special.  It is the site of the February 1960 lunch counter sit-in.  The building is now the International Civil Rights Center & Museum.  The lunch counter is in the Smithsonian American History Museum.

Credit: Smithsonian.edu
Credit: Smithsonian.edu

Before leaving Greensboro, we went across town to an extraordinary used bookstore, Pages Past, owned by Roger March. Roger buys housefuls of books – my favorite on the shelves was three volumes of Connecticut probate documents from the late 1700’s. Out of the many, he searches for the rare jewel and he does find them. Top to bottom, in every corner there are books. Almost 80% of his sales are from online inquiries.  So what did I buy? There was a copy of A Wrinkle in Time, Madeleine L’Engle’s classic work.Unknown-5 I had a presentation coming up and it was on the book list. When I went to the counter Roger told me I had selected a very special book.  Amidst the thousands, I had picked his personal copy from college.  Clearly a kindred spirit.

Our plan was to explore next a bit of Charlotte after visiting Park Road Books, a wonderful bookstore with an abundance of local author titles. Mother Nature had other plans and the heavens opened. Not before I made my book purchases!

The next morning, off to Hilton Head, SC, for a visit with my parents.



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Road trip – I brake for bookstores!

Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 3.43.28 PMCome summer it is time to get moving and time to chill out. Whether on vacation or just eking out one more experience with the extra hours of daylight, the pace definitely changes.

My reading changes as well. Summer is a catch up time when I have fewer book group titles to read and prepare. IMG_2926After going to Book Expo, it is also the opportunity to search for the yet-to-be-released jewel I can share with my book loving friends.  Right now I am reading Alice Hoffman’s The Marriage of Opposites. Its historical fiction set in the Caribbean and France in the 19th century and tells of the family origins of Camille Pissarro, the Impressionist and Post-Impressionist painter.

We’re off on a road trip and have already picked out  (thanks to www.indiebound.org) the independent bookstores we’ll be stopping at en route through North Carolina. I’ll let you know where I go and what local gems I find.

Speaking of sharing, I’d like to ask for your feedback. I’m so pleased when someone tells me s/he has been reading this blog. It may come as a surprise but information on who and how many people are looking at the blog is very difficult to come by.  Since you are reading this could you please let me know you are out there? And to make it more appealing to everyone, let me know what you are reading now and I’ll put a list in an upcoming post.

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Thanks for joining on my journey!

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